Saturday, July 4, 2015


"While I was praying for you, in a sense, I was thankful for the season you're in - thankful that the sufferings of this world are never just "suffering" but instead "suffering unto glory." They're neither purposeless nor hopeless. They have a direction, and that direction is Christ. I really can't imagine what you're going through, especially while so far from your PA spiritual community, but one thing I am certain of is the incomparable beauty of the intimacy that you are/will experience with Christ. I wanted that to be an encouragement for grounded in reality, not of abstract terms, that though none of us can give you a solution, although we'd love to end all the pain and sadness within you, Christ is your perfect peace in the storm." 

A snippet of an email sent by a beloved sister. I thank God for these sisters who point me to Christ, my perfect peace. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness that is evident in these friendships. Thank you for your provisions that are plentiful in the desert. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It'll all be over soon...

and quite frankly, I'm not ready for it to be over. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Thief

Your eyes are full, full of the future of us
The air changes as you look across
At me in that wondering way

It is as if I knew you before we spoke
Do our hearts know something we don't?
Conspiring, converging without giving us any say

You sing me to sleep, talk down my walls
Look through my windows as I wait
You could be the thief I give the key to

You're ruining me
With secrets and gestures and looks
With sonnets from secondhand books
Playing the chords in me nobody knew how to play

You sing me to sleep, talk down my walls
Look through my windows as I wait
You could be the thief I give the key to

It fits in your hand like the water in rain
It unlocks our two different selves
And shows we are the same
Rather than wait til I put me out for the taking
You're breaking, you're breaking into my heart
And I'm letting you

Your eyes are full, full of the future of us

Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy Birthday 엄마

어리석은 나의 어릴적 모습:
엄마가 헤어지라고 할때,
12살에 나는 울면서, "그남자 사랑해!!!!"  라고 말할때, 
"웃기지마. 드라마 찍으냐?" 라고 말해줫던 엄마. 

내가 가장 힘들때, 
듣고싶은 말을 안해주고, 
꼭 필요한 말을 해준 엄마. 

사람을 사랑하는 방법,
하나님을 사랑하는 방법,
엄마의 삶으로 가르쳐 주셔서 감사합니다. 
생일축하해요 엄마,
<3 딸맹이

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Heavenly Father, this heart of mine has been so deceived, so attracted to sweet temptations of this world. Time after time, I am disappointed by the foolishness of my hope in these things. I place my hope in man, in things, in careers, in dreams... and it always falls short. I long to say whole heartedly that my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. To not trust in sweet temptations but solely on the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, grant me the faith to trust in you when the storms come. To rest in your unchanging grace and love. Let my thanksgiving not be circumstantial. Rather Lord, grant me the faith to confess that I will still rejoice in the Lord even when the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the storm comes, or when life happens... etc. For I can rejoice because of Christ and Christ alone. The Lord of all, the Redeemer of those who are weak and lowly. I thank you for your compassion that you remember my frame is weak and made of dust. I thank you for your daily grace that is perfect and sufficient for me. I thank you that you hold onto me more than I to you. I thank you that you are loving and all that is withheld from me is a gracious withholding. I thank you for the solid rock of of Christ on which I stand. I pray all these things in the sweetest name of Jesus, Amen.