Lately, we have had an increasing number of conversations around our cursed, round table (once you sit, you can never leave). One night, we were sharing about how grateful we were to have one another. One sister shared how many have commented on our friendships, wishing for this type of community. She said, "There really is nothing special about us that we would have these friendships. It's not like we're particularly good at being friends, but it is the Lord's overly abundant grace towards us. In future times, where I might ask 'God, where are you?' I will look back on these very moments and be reminded of God's ever-abounding faithfulness in my life."
Just 3 years ago, in California, I had been praying for good community here at Westminster. I remember journaling about how I hoped and longed for godly sisters to walk with. And as I sat there at the round table, I was moved by the way God has answered those prayers. He has answered beyond what I deserve. These sisters have been the greatest source of comfort, encouragement, and joy these past 3 years. I have learned more about myself and about the Lord through these friendships. They have laughed with me in our silliest of moments. They have cried with me in the hardest moments. They have seen my ugliness and have continued to extend grace and love. They have walked with me in my longest nights. They have carried my heaviest burdens. But most importantly, they have pointed me to our beautiful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And for that, I am eternally grateful. I am truly rich indeed.
Dedicated to the women I want to grow old with. Love you.